Branding & Website Design

Launch Your Practice with Confidence

Strategically crafted branding and websites for therapists. Launch your private practice with a clear plan, professional polish, and a powerful online presence.

So You’re Launching A Private Practice!

What an exciting albeit just a teensy bit overwhelming time! You FINALLY get to do things your way, after years of simply falling in line. This business is your pride and joy; your baby.

But if you’re being honest, you’re not totally sure where to start. The list of things you’re supposed to do to get this baby launched seems terrifyingly never-ending. What if you skip something crucial? What if you waste your startup funds on the wrong thing? What if you launch this practice and it fails spectacularly???

That. That pit of worry in your stomach. That lump in your throat. That self-doubt monkey on your back. Want to get rid of it? Keep reading to find out how!

Hey There! I’m Rachel.

I’m a branding strategist and designer and I specialize in helping therapists just like you launch their private practice with confidence. I help banish the anxiety, calm the chaos, and help you build a high performing brand you can be proud of.

With a decade of branding and marketing experience under my belt, I have helped launch hundreds of brands. I have seen what works, and what flops. I know where it’s worth investing your time and money, and where you can trim the fat. And my policy of 1 client at a time means I am 100% dedicated to you and your success while we prepare you to launch with confidence.


How I Can Help

Beyond the window dressing of a logo and color palette, I will help you clarify your strategy for reaching the right clients, help you make a plan for filling your practice, and use the elements of visual branding, like that logo and color palette, to design the tools you’ll need to put that plan into action.

Brand Development

The cornerstone of your online presence and your best opportunity to make a killer first impression, the significance of your website design simply cannot be overstated. I’ll help you build a site designed with your business goals, your ideal clients, and your brand’s personality at the heart of it.

Website Design

How It Works


We’ll discuss your unique situation and goals, answer any questions you may have, and figure out if my services are the right fit for you. If I’m not the right fit, I’ll point you in the direction of someone who might be.


We’ll calm the chaos and get you organized with my easy to follow step-by-step guides. Define your strategy, make your plan, and write your copy without the typical stress and headaches.


With everything prepped, the design process will be smooth as butter. I’ll use the plan and inspiration we gathered to build a design that’s truly you. Together we’ll refine it until it’s perfect.


Once your brand and/or website is runway ready, it’s time to hand over the keys to you—but not without a bit of training. At this stage you’ll have everything you need to launch your brand with confidence.

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Ready to Calm the Chaos & Launch with Confidence?